Coffee Hours

BCS REFS hosts coffee hours every 2 weeks or so during the Fall and Spring semesters. This is a time where you can feel free to stop by, grab some coffee and pastries, and hang out with us and each other! No research, no agendas, just a moment to fuel up and decompress.


You can reach out to any of us anytime: in person, over email, or Slack, and we’ll set up a time to talk. This is a conversation where you can feel comfortable venting, expressing your feelings, or talking through any problem. We’re here to provide any help we can, whether it’s just to listen or to help you navigate MIT to get help with a larger issue. See our “talk to a REFS” section for more details.

General Advice & Navigating MIT

We’ve gone through communication and resource training and are part of a larger REFS system that spans the whole Institute. Not sure where to go for career advice? A harassment complaint? Issues with your roommates? We can help point you in the right direction to an office or admin that can help, and work through it with you if that’s what you’re looking for.